former () የፊተኛው
- The former owner left the city.
- የፊተኛው ባለንብረት ከተማውን ለቋል
former () የድሮው
- The house showed nothing of its former splendor.
- ቤቱ ምንም የድሮው ውበት አልታየበትም
former () የቀድሞ
- His former friends assassinated him.
- የቀድሞ ጓደኞቹ ገደሉት
- who was the former president of the United States?
- የቀድሞ የዩናይትድ እስቴትስ ፕሬዘዳንት ማን ነበር?
- He raises horses and cows, the former for riding, the latter for milk.
- ፈረሶች እና ላሞች ያረባል ፈረሶቹን ለግልቢያ ላሞቹን ለወተት
former day() ጥንት
- Ships of former days were built differently.
- የጥንት መርከቦች አሠራራቸው የተለየ ነበር
in former time () በቀድሞ ዘመን
- In former times, Ethiopia was much smaller than now.
- በቀድሞ ዘመን ኢትዮጵያ ካሁኑ በጣም ታንስ ነበር