absent (v) ቀረ
- Why did you absent yourself from school?
- ከትምሕርት ቤት ለምን ቀረህ?
absent (adj) የቀረ
- The absent members could not vote.
- የቀሩት አባሎች ድምጻቸውን ሊሰጡ አልቻሉም
- Three members were absent because of illness.
- በሕመም ምክንያት ሦስት አባሎች ቀርተው ነበር
- Snow is absent in some countries.
- ባንዳንድ አገሮች በረዶ አልተገኘም
in an absent manner ሳያስብ
- She was daydreaming and answered in an absent manner.
- በሐሳብ ተውጣ ስለነበር ሳታስብ መልስ ሰጠች