አርምምሳሌያዊ ትርጉሞች
አርምabout (prep) ስለ
- They were talking about the war.
- ስለ ጦርነቱ ያወሩ ነበር
about () በ...ላይ
- There is something queer about him.
- በሱ ላይ አንድ እንግዳ ነገር ይታያል
about () አንድ
- There were about thirty people present.
- አንድ ሠላሳ ያህል ሰዎች ነበሩ
about () ያህል
- This house is about as high as that tree.
- ይህ ቤት ያንን ዛፍ ያህል ይረዝማል
about () በ...ዙሪያ
- The dog capered about its master.
- ውሻው በጌታው ዙሪያ ቧረቀ
- John is adept at repairing things about the house.
- ጆን የቤት እቃዎችን የመጠገን ችሎታ አለው
- He is about my age.
- በዕድሜ እኩያዬ ነው
- The officer roared,"about face"!
- መኮንኑ ቀኝ ኋላ ዙር ብሎ አዘዘ
be about + imperfect () ሊ...ነው
- The pail is about full.
- ባልዲው ሊሞላ ነው
- Lunch is about ready.
- ምሳ ሊደርስ ነው
be about the same () የተቀራረበ / የተመሳሰለ ነው
- Is the weather in Addis Ababa better than in Harar?
- የአዲስ አበባ ያየር ሁኔታ ከሐረር ይሻላል? የተቀራረበ (የተመሳሰለ) ነው?
be about + imperfect () ሊ...ነው (ነበር)
- He is about to leave.
- ሊሄድ ነው
- I was about to send for you.
- ልልክብህ ነበር
Have about enough of በቃ(ው)
- I have had just about enough of your arguments.
- ያንተ ጭቅጭቅ በቅቶኛል
- How about it?
- ታዲያስ?[