All logs - መዝገቦች ሁሉ
ይኸው መዝገብ ሁሉንም ያጠቅልላል። 1) የፋይሎች መዝገብ 2) የማጥፋት መዝገብ 3) የመቆለፍ መዝገብ 4) የማገድ መዝገብ 5) የመጋቢ አድራጎት መዝገቦች በያይነቱ ናቸው።
ከሳጥኑ የተወሰነ መዝገብ አይነት መምረጥ ይችላሉ። ከዚያ ጭምር በብዕር ስም ወይም በገጽ ስም መፈለግ ይቻላል።
- 05:23, 7 ጁን 2017 Shanmugamp7 ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ renamed user Foxj (0 edit) to Fox (Per :m:SRUC)
- 05:47, 24 ጃንዋሪJanuary 2016 Shanmugamp7 ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ renamed user Ruy Pugliesi (3 edits) to RadiX (Per :m:SRUC)
- 10:14, 28 ፈብርዋሪ 2014 Shanmugamp7 ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ ገጹን bookaspeakernow5309277 አጠፋ (Spam (global sysop action): ይዞታ፦ «{{delete|Spam.}} Various motivational speakers not just give out motivational addresses and dialogs, some of them are likewise scholars. They compose moving, self improvement, and sustenance for the...)
- 05:42, 8 ፈብርዋሪ 2014 Shanmugamp7 ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ ገጹን Peri አጠፋ (Spam (global sysop action): ይዞታ 'We are specialize in Bulk email marketing services using powermta4 + interspire. I can give complete set up of bulkemailing where you can send 500k emails a day. Setup includes in...' አለ (የጻፈ...)
- 07:23, 18 ጃንዋሪJanuary 2014 Shanmugamp7 ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ ገጹን BozarthGuerra253 አጠፋ (Spam (global sysop action): ይዞታ 'Complete Link Building Service Improving Search engine optimisation for Businesses Online Link building or link generation is achieved by different means. Forum postings, blogging...' አለ (የጻፈ...)
- 07:23, 18 ጃንዋሪJanuary 2014 Shanmugamp7 ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ ገጹን አባል:BozarthGuerra253 አጠፋ (spam ይዞታ 'Complete Link Building Service Improving Search engine optimisation for Businesses Online Link building or link generation is achieved by different means. Forum postings, blogging...' አለ (የጻፈበትም '' ብቻ...)
- 07:21, 17 ጃንዋሪJanuary 2014 Shanmugamp7 ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ ገጹን RicoScarlett364 አጠፋ (Spam (global sysop action): ይዞታ 'Angkor Era - 5 Star Hotel In Siem Reap This specific luxurious 5 star hotel in Siem Reap personifies typically the express of a time launched simply by strong Khmer nobleman. Not...' አለ (የጻፈ...)
- 07:21, 17 ጃንዋሪJanuary 2014 Shanmugamp7 ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ ገጹን አባል:RicoScarlett364 አጠፋ (Spam (global sysop action): ይዞታ 'Angkor Era - 5 Star Hotel In Siem Reap This specific luxurious 5 star hotel in Siem Reap personifies typically the express of a time launched simply by strong Khmer nobleman. Not...' አለ (የጻፈ...)
- 11:30, 18 ዴሰምበር 2013 Shanmugamp7 ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ ገጹን ReaganIsaacs205 አጠፋ (Spam (global sysop action): ይዞታ 'deneme bir calismadir bu sizler icin ozel olarak uretildi' አለ (የጻፈበትም '' ብቻ ነበር))
- 11:30, 18 ዴሰምበር 2013 Shanmugamp7 ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ ገጹን አባል:ReaganIsaacs205 አጠፋ (Spam (global sysop action): ይዞታ 'deneme bir calismadir bu sizler icin ozel olarak uretildi' አለ (የጻፈበትም '' ብቻ ነበር))
- 11:27, 15 ማርች 2012 User account Shanmugamp7 ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ was created automatically